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Tumblr post from user owlmylove that reads not 2 be controversial on main but i think it's pretty sad the first major generation to grow up online is projecting their adolscent self-hatred onto the quote-on-quote cringe generation of tiktokkers. did zillentials seriously spend their youth making OC fanart on devart and livejournal and being told oh look, they finally emerge by their parents whenever they risked leaving their room only to turn around 10 years later and say ewwwh you spent hours cosplaying an OC & learning a viral dance in your bedroom? fucking cringe. like.... did we truly lose sight so quickly of how it was to feel young and disconnected and desperate for someone, anyone, to really listen to you? to feel close to you? how quickly have we become jaded to the joys of carefully, earnestly crafting something alone in a dark bedroom and sharing it with the world, hoping for just one other person to say that's how i feel, too? how much must we hate our younger selves in order to blame the teenager of the world for creating costumes and dances and dreams for themselves???